Edale has great access to some classic mountain bike routes including Jacob’s Ladder, Greenlands, Hollins Cross, “The Beast” of Hope Cross and numerous trails towards the Hope End of the valley towards Derwent and Ladybower reservoirs.
Most of the routes are quite challenging and aren’t suitable for absolute beginners but all are relatively accessible and are easy enough to GOAP to bail out (either uphill or downhill!).
The valley is mountain bike friendly but please follow these golden rules:

“Be nice. Say Hi!”, and share the routes with other users. Be mindful of walkers and slow down for horses. The rights of way are there for everyone to enjoy.
Please do not ride on the footpaths. If you find yourself lost or need to bail out urgently (ie mechanical failure, illness or injury) and can only do so on a footpath then ride slowly, considerately and do not go carving up turf or moorland or eroding to the side of the path. Better still, dismount and push. Pretty much all of the Kinder plateau is footpath – if you’re riding up there, you shouldn’t be!
“Save it for summer”. Some trails get really wet and boggy in the winter; please don’t carve things up or parallel the track causing more erosion. Save it for the summer when it’s dry or pick a different route. Rushup Edge gets particularly wet in winter – axle deep bog!